Ventura Marathon recap
Hello! I ran the Ventura Marathon this weekend and here is my results and recap post…Did you run it? Run another race? Först. yesterday I wasn’t the best at carb-loading, but I was terrific...
Hello! I ran the Ventura Marathon this weekend and here is my results and recap post…Did you run it? Run another race? Först. yesterday I wasn’t the best at carb-loading, but I was terrific...
Hello! exactly how was your running in March? I hope you ran as well as ate to your lil heart’s content. as well as if you want to celebrate all those miles with a...
Okay, I gotta make this quick – I’m late to work. Yesterday we hit up the Buffet in the Wynn for breakfast/lunch/brunch/food. MY newest VIDEOS Marathon Training Day 1 More Videos 0 sekunder av...
Den som sa “spring är som terapi …” pratade förmodligen om dagar som detta. Jag är oerhört stressad och orolig över alla saker som händer den här veckan. hur mår du? Medan jag inte...
I don’t know if I discussed it, but I lost my big bottle of water when we went to Florida for the marathon. I was devastated. I purchased those other bottles to replace it,...
It’s Day 3 of the pile on the MILES Challenge! If you missed the announcement post and want to join the complimentary Challenge, check out this page to learn what the challenge is, FAQs...
When I woke up this morning and heard rain I considered going back to sleep. But, I really needed to get a good run in today (for physical and psychological reasons) so I went...
this week my gym is renovating the women’s locker room, so all women have to use the Men’s Locker room and the men are using the Women’s. Aren’t you curious about young boys bathrooms...
Happy torsdag! Mina ben känner sig lite trötta så jag fattade ett beslut att byta dagens körning för imorgon. Jag tappade just min bil för att få bromsarna gjort och gick hem därifrån. Jag...
I morse använde jag en halv cantaloupe som min “frukostskål”. Jag fyllde den med keso, spannmål, chiafrön och spårmix. Det var välsmakande och tog ett tag att äta eftersom jag var tvungen att skopa...